About Glenwood HIlls
The Glenwood Hills neighborhood is nestled along the Sandia Mountain foothills on the eastern border of the city of Albuquerque. There is easy access to many hiking and mountain biking trails in the Sandia Mountains and the paved bicycle/pedestrian trail that runs for 10 miles along Tramway Blvd. Glenwood Hills is also located in close proximity to several shopping areas and many good restaurants so you have all the conveniences of city living. So we have the best of both worlds: convenient city amenities and the Cibola National Forest creating a beautiful mountain landscape as a back yard. We are proud of our neighborhood and do our best to make it a friendly and inviting place to live and raise a family. Glenwood Hills has an effective voluntary property owners association that looks after the security and other interests of the neighborhood.
Glenwood Hills was developed in the early 1960’s by a gentleman named Lonnie Brown. A Glenwood Hills Lot could be purchased for $1,500 to $3,000 depending on the view or location. Of course you had to pay another $1,000 for the city sewer and utility assessment based on the frontage of your lot. Back then the original Glenwood Hills had overhead power lines and no city street lights (the residents below did not want to look up towards the mountains at night and see lights). In addition due to the terrain and (then) rural nature sidewalks were also not required. Many things have changed since then including the prices, but one thing remains constant in that Glenwood Hills is still one of the more attractive and desirable places to live in Albuquerque.
The Glenwood Hills Association first meeting was held on Sunday September 12, 1971 at the Academy School for the purpose of establishing a non-profit corporation. The Articles of Incorporation was established on November 16, 1972. The name of the corporation is “The Glenwood Hills Association, Inc”. “This Corporation was created and shall be operated for the purpose of bringing together in closer friendship the residents and property owners of Glenwood Hills Subdivision and to unite in common goals”. At that time the Glenwood Hills Subdivision consisted of Units 1,2,and 3. The annual dues
were $2.50 per person or $5.00 per family.
The initial concerns of the association were to support the Architectural Control Committee in their efforts to enforce compliance with the deed restrictions. Other concerns were drainage, security, and maintaining property values. The association organizers believed that through an association such as this, more influence can be exerted on plans for the development of adjacent vacant property and that we can provide valuable recommendations to the city’s proposals for the foothills area. The City Planning Commission and the Planning Department, at this time, expressed interest in working with neighborhood organizations. The is still true today since the association has no enforcement capabilities. The association accomplishes things by “working with” both non-elected and elected personal.
Over the years several adjacent neighborhoods joined the association. These include Glenwood Hills North, Glenwood Hills Units 4 and 6, Tierra Amada Townhouses, the trail head adjacent to Glenwood Hills North, and the Glenwood Hills Lofts (see maps for locations).